RebelBase Blog

December 7, 2022
[OSUN] Becoming a Changemaker: OSUN Videos Spotlight Dynamic Social Entrepreneurship Projects in Palestine and Bangladesh
Posted by: RebelBaseAs published and written by the Open Society University Network. Around the world, OSUN Network Collaborative Courses are supporting students so they can build new social enterprises to tackle challenging issues in their countries. In addition, OSUN courses are using…

December 5, 2022
[Sydcast] Democratizing Entrepreneurship
Posted by: RebelBaseThe Sydcast sits down with a fascinating guest each week to hear their story, who they are, and how they got to be that way. Syd Finkelstein, a professor at Dartmouth College and the host guides listeners on a journey…

October 25, 2022
Two Teams of Bangladeshi Innovators Create Valuable Social Change
Posted by: RebelBaseThe success stories of Project Safety Net and Roots teams show us that anyone anywhere in the world can be empowered to innovate with the right tools and support. Technology is here to stay and we have the power to use it to connect rather than divide us. We have the privilege to finally learn from each other’s different life experiences and points of view, and technology tools like RebelBase can be bases from which we can make innovation knowledge accessible to everyone.

September 7, 2022
The Power of Innovation is in Your Hands
Posted by: RebelBaseA Conversation with Alejandro Crawford I The Mark Struczewski Podcast:
Innovation is not longer for the few who know the secrets – everyone can learn to effectively tackle real-world challenges and innovate with the right tools. Innovation is for everyone – from entrepreneurs to people who want to make a difference in their personal lives or solve problems in their community. The power to change the world for the better is in our hands!

September 7, 2022
Join the Rebellion Through Experiential Learning
Posted by: RebelBaseA Conversation with Alejandro Crawford and Eliza Edge I IlluminatED Podcast: To solve the difficult challenges of today, we need real-world solutions. How can we learn to innovate effectively so we can change systems that no longer serve us? Experiential learning is becoming a much-needed way to learn in the classroom and the workplace as we have no choice but to become competent change-makers.

August 23, 2022
A Technological Renaissance? Project Based Learning, Entrepreneurial Mindset, And The Future Of Work
Posted by: RebelBaseA Conversation With Alejandro Juárez Crawford | Redefining Technology Podcast With Sean Martin & Marco Ciappelli Podcast Recap: Renaissance means rebirth, and for that to happen, we need to accept the death of what once was —the stale past, the…

July 25, 2022
Surviving the Future of Work
Posted by: RebelBaseToday’s education prepares people for jobs that are on the way out. If you’ve recently received an email written by artificial intelligence or been chauffeured by a machine, you see what we’re up against. As Andrew Yang notes in The…

June 23, 2022
Preparing Students For the Great Shift
Posted by: RebelBaseResearch suggests that Millennials and Gen Z want more from their careers than just a job: they want to feel that they are improving society. This new generation is not only hungry for impact-driven careers, they want to build a…

June 22, 2022
Youth Driving Change
Posted by: RebelBaseAn article written by rebel, Lawrence Fan, a sophomore at Cornell University studying computer science. Lawrence hopes to make an impact by building value at the intersection of technology and humanities. Those who have a stake in the future are…

June 1, 2022
[From SSIR] Democratizing Social Entrepreneurship
Posted by: RebelBasePublished in Stanford Social Innovation Review. What would it take to create a comprehensive tool kit so that anyone interested in addressing social problems could devise a solution? This question sparked the inception of RebelBase, project-building software that offers a…